Stairwell Accidents in Colorado Springs

Were You or A Loved One Injured in an Accident?
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Written By:
Christopher Nicolaysen
Christopher Nicolaysen

Member of the Colorado Bar Association since 2014. Attorney, Christopher M. Nicolaysen focuses primarily on helping those injured in Colorado car accidents, other auto accidents, and Colorado personal injury incidents.

This article has been written and reviewed for legal accuracy and clarity by the team of writers and attorneys at Springs Law Group and is as accurate as possible. This content should not be taken as legal advice from an attorney. If you would like to learn more about our owner and experienced Colorado personal injury lawyer, Christopher Nicolaysen, you can do so here.

Springs Law Group does everything possible to make sure the information in this article is up to date and accurate. If you need specific legal advice about your case, contact us. This article should not be taken as advice from an attorney.

Stairwell Accidents in Colorado Springs

Stairs can become dangerous if they are not properly taken care of.

While this seems obvious to most of us, unfortunately, far too many property owners and businesses fail to keep their stairwells reasonably safe.

This means that far too many innocent people trip and fall on the stairs, and suffer serious injuries as a result.

Fortunately, our slip and fall attorneys could help you file a claim for compensation if you had a stairwell accident on another person’s property in Colorado Springs.

Stairwell Accidents in Colorado Springs

We know how to build a claim that helps injured parties recover the compensation they need following a slip and fall accident.

This includes working with medical and engineering experts to demonstrate damages and establish liability against a negligent landowner or business owner.

You do not have to deal with the confusing legal process alone.

Our caring team is here to help so that you can focus on your physical recovery.

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How Do Stairwell Accident Occur?

These incidents are usually needless and preventable if a property owner, renter, leasor, or other individual keeps their premises reasonably safe.

Still, there are many ways in which a person could suffer serious injuries from fall down the stairs.

Some of the most common causes of stairwell accidents in Colorado Springs include:

  • Broken stairs
  • No handrail
  • Dim or inadequate lighting
  • Accumulation of snow and ice (for stairs that are outside)
  • Broken handrail
  • Uneven stairs
  • No landing or a small landing
  • Accumulated debris like dirt, rocks, or trash
  • Painted wood stairs without friction strips
  • Wet or slippery stairs

A skilled lawyer could help someone prepare a claim based on the cause of their accident.

Liability for Falling Down the Stairs in Colorado Springs

A property or business owner must keep their premises reasonably safe under the circumstances.

This means that they must keep their premises free of hazardous conditions and fix any potential dangers within a reasonable amount of time.

If a proprietor cannot immediately fix a hazard, such as a broken stair, they must warn all guests of this unsafe condition on their property.

When possible, a landowner or business owner should have guests avoid a potentially hazardous, dangerous, or defective condition on their property.

For instance, if a handrail is missing on a staircase, the owner should block off that set of stairs from use.

Therefore, if an individual slips and falls down a stairwell, and the landowner or business owner knew or should have known about the condition, the injured party may be entitled to compensation under state law.

Ask our Colorado Springs Attorneys for Help Following a Stairwell Accident

If you or a loved one had a stairwell accident in Colorado Springs on the property of another, you may be entitled to compensation for your serious injuries including pain and suffering, lost wages, medical bills, and any other expenses due to the accident.

Ask Springs Law Group for a free consultation to learn how we could help fight for your rights to compensation under state law.

Contact us today to learn how we could help you with your case.

Written By:

Attorney, Christopher M. Nicolaysen focuses primarily on helping those injured in car accidents due to no fault of their own.

The personal injury matters include auto accidents, bicycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, and trucking accidents.

Chris truly enjoys helping clients through a difficult time and helping them get the compensation they deserve.

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