2022 The Safe Driving Scholarship Award

What Is The Safe Driving Scholarship; Why Did We Create This Award; 2022 Safe Driving Scholarship Award Winners; Apply For The 2023 Safe Driving Scholarship Today; 2022 Safe Driving Scholarship Award Winners

Springs Law Group values safe drivers. With so many distractions today, it’s easy to look away for one second, resulting in a wreck. We want to encourage today’s youth to practice safe driving habits. The Safe Driving Scholarship rewards young adults for safe driving, all while raising awareness of the dangers of distracted driving. While the entries for the 2023 award are coming in, let’s take a moment to learn more about this scholarship and recognize our stellar winners from 2022.

What is the Safe Driving Scholarship?

What Is The Safe Driving Scholarship

The Springs Law Group Safe Driving Scholarship is an award for young adults that value safe driving. Springs Law Group offers $1,000 to students who want to make the roads safer by spreading awareness about distracted driving. To be eligible for this scholarship, you must be a high school, college, or university student from the United States. High school applicants must be graduating seniors. Additionally, applicants must have a 3.0 or higher GPA. Applicants must submit a 750-word essay that discusses their state’s texting and driving laws. In this essay, they should suggest ways to improve safe driving. We want to hear today’s youth’s thoughts on texting while driving and how communities can decrease accidents related to distracted driving.

Why Did We Create This Award?

What Is The Safe Driving Scholarship; Why Did We Create This Award

Springs Law Group believes in safe driving. As a personal injury law firm, we want to encourage safe driving habits to reduce car accidents that could’ve been easily avoided. We offer the Safe Driving Scholarship Award to young drivers passionate about road safety to advocate for safe driving. We want to fight distracted driving by highlighting young adults’ voices on how they’d like to improve driver’s safety.

2022 Safe Driving Scholarship Award Winners

The winners of the Safe Driving Scholarship are bright young adults with a lot to say about distracted driving. Their views on texting and driving can pave a better future for all drivers. We’d like to recognize the two winners of the 2022 Safe Driving Scholarship Award.

What Is The Safe Driving Scholarship; Why Did We Create This Award; 2022 Safe Driving Scholarship Award Winners

Kiyla Kemper

“I seek to pursue a greater future for public health. I am currently attending the University of North Florida and working towards a bachelor’s degree in biology to achieve my dream career of becoming an anesthesiologist.”

Jordan Howard

Jordan is going to college to major in computer systems and engineering. After he graduates, Jordan would like to become a computer engineer. Once again, we’d like to congratulate the 2022 Safe Driving Scholarship Award winners. We appreciate your passion for safe driving, and we hope you continue to strive for greatness as you continue your education.

Apply for the 2023 Safe Driving Scholarship Today

Springs Law Group is passionate about fighting distracted driving. No matter the severity of the crash, distracted driving leaves lasting, adverse effects on communities across the United States. That’s why we want to shed light on texting and driving and other distractions to improve road safety and decrease the number of accidents caused by distracted driving. We believe that today’s youth can change the future. The team at Springs Law Group wants to support young adults’ endeavors through the Safe Driving Scholarship. We aim to help students who care about safe driving in their communities.

What Is The Safe Driving Scholarship; Why Did We Create This Award; 2022 Safe Driving Scholarship Award Winners; Apply For The 2023 Safe Driving Scholarship Today

Entries for the 2023 Safe Driving Scholarship are open until May 31, 2023. To apply, submit your essay response, resume, and transcript to chris@springslawgroup.com. While technology continues to advance our society, it also increases the number of distractions we face while driving. Springs Law Group hopes to encourage applicants to fight against distracted driving to create a safer and stronger future for all.