Types of Traumatic Brian Injuries Caused by Colorado Springs Auto Accidents

Types Of Traumatic Brain Injuries Caused By Colorado Springs Auto Accidents; Victims Of Colorado Springs Auto Accidents Who Have Suffered A Traumatic Brain Injury Should Call Springs Law Group; Types Of Traumatic Brian Injuries Caused By Colorado Springs Auto Accidents

A traumatic brain injury is one of the most debilitating types of personal injuries that a victim could sustain after a Colorado Springs auto accident. It is also one of the hardest injuries to treat because you cannot just put a bandage on it or fix it like a broken bone or manipulate it like sprained or strained tissues. Sometimes traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, are not detectible by even the most advanced imaging studies. Other times they have a delayed onset and may take months to manifest itself. Some TBIs are temporary, whereas others are permanent.

This makes TBIs difficult for victims and their families because there is no clear timeline of recovery. It may also not be clear when a victim will be able to return to work again, or how much money should be set aside for medical treatment. Some days may be better than others, and other days may be emergency room visits. This is why victims of a Colorado Springs auto accident who have had a traumatic brain injury should call Springs Law Group to learn how we can help make you and your families’ lives easier while you focus on your recovery.

Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries Caused by Colorado Springs Auto Accidents

Types Of Traumatic Brain Injuries Caused By Colorado Springs Auto Accidents

There are many different types of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) that could have been caused by a motor vehicle accident. There are four main types which could be the result of a motor vehicle crash, which include the following:

Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injuries

This type of injury is when the brain is injured on the opposite side of the impact. This movement is because the brain sits practically suspended in cerebrospinal fluid in the hardened skull. When an impact strikes one side of the head, the brain can slide to the other side. When the force is significant enough, the brain can strike the other side with such force that it sustains an injury. Motor vehicle crashes are commonly the cause of this type of traumatic brain injury.


One of the most commonly known TBIs, a concussion occurs when a violent strike to the head jostles or shakes the brain. This causes the brain to bounce around the inside of the skull. This injury can cause many different types of impact injuries, but also injuries due to the violent shaking. Vessels and structures could be stretched, pulled, compressed, or pinched. These forces can result in very significant injuries that result in a person being unable to think, speak, remember, focus on tasks, and carry out other functions.

Brain Contusions

A brain contusion is a bruise to the brain.  While bruises are common on our bodies when we bang into something like during sports, brain bruises are not common and are much more severe.  The brain is in a closed system of cerebrospinal fluid. When there is a bruise, which is bleeding, that blood may have nowhere to go inside the skull. This increases the pressure on the brain, which in turn causes damage to the brain. The greater the bleed, the greater the pressure and the damage. Brain contusions can result in massive TBIs, and commonly result in serious vision loss, headaches, focus issues, and even wrongful death.

Diffuse Axonal Injuries

A diffuse axonal injury is a very severe type of brain injury caused when the brain violently whips back and forth at such force that the bottom of the brain, the brain stem, suffers tears in the connections to the rest of the brain. This can result in very significant and debilitating injury. In the worst type of cases, these can result in the death of a victim.

Victims of Colorado Springs Auto Accidents Who Have Suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury Should Call Springs Law Group

Types Of Traumatic Brain Injuries Caused By Colorado Springs Auto Accidents; Victims Of Colorado Springs Auto Accidents Who Have Suffered A Traumatic Brain Injury Should Call Springs Law Group

Besides wrongful death, traumatic brain injuries may be the worst type of personal injury suffered in a Colorado Springs auto accident. Unfortunately, many times TBIs will result in the wrongful death of a person. If you or a loved one has suffered a TBI due to the reckless, careless, or negligent conduct of another, call Springs Law Group to learn how we can protect your rights to compensation. Call us by dialing (719) 421-7141 or use the convenient and easy to use “Get Help Now” submission box available here. We can help walk you through the process, together, and help you get on the road to recovery. Call today to schedule for FREE consultation.